Wecomics I like:
The Legend of Link
A comic by my good friend Taylor. Based on the Legend of Zelda.
The Mind of James Freemon
A comic by Stuart Packrell. A fantasy adventure.
Penny Arcade
You know what this is. I just think it's funny.
The Heros Handbook
A fantasy comic by Bookmaster. Cute, funny, and currently in Hiatus...
Art Sites:
Adobe Kuler
Perhaps the coolest website ever (for artists). Sets color schemes based on preferences.
Other sites I visit:
Cute Plush
Adorable clothes and accessories.
Deviant Art
Online artists community. Check mine out here.
Kotaku: The Gamers' Guide
Gaming blog/news site. Constantly updated, and a great news/rumor source.
Crooks and Liars
One of the few news sites I frequent. Warning: It's pretty Dem oriented.
Geek tools, apparel, and fun stuff.
The Best Webpage in the Universe
Hard to explain, rant site I guess. But Maddox is damn funny.
The Ghostbusters Message Board
It's uh...Ghostbusters message board. Go there to talk Ghostbusters.
Yu Gi Oh! The Abridged Series
A website that makes Yu-Gi-Oh watchable. HILARIOUS!
Link to me!
Just pop one of these banners on your links page and direct it towards
http://newscast (dot) comicgenesis (dot) com. Enjoy!
